Our Government, the O.G. Canceller?

Is the government the OG canceller? Can you support censorship but decry "cancel culture"? What's the real reason for political correctness and cancel culture in the West? We take a closer look at these claims in response to Dana Teoh's anti-woke opinion piece.

The Curious Case of the “Christian” Terrorist

How missing facts feed the rumour mill.

Transgender activism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Transgender activism targetting youths is gaining traction in Singapore. Regardless looks at the good, the bad and the ugly of the movement, and what needs to be done moving forward.

TL;DR: The 377A High Court Ruling (Part Two)

We take a look at the legislative material that validated s. 377A's purpose, and the additional material which was deemed irrelevant by the court.

TL;DR: The 377A High Court Ruling (Part One)

Summarising the High Court's 2020 Judgments on the three rejected constitutional challenges to 377A

Torn over Transgender Therapy for Teens

This week, social media erupted after a student accused MOE of blocking hormone therapy. Regardless takes a look at how the issue made headlines, and what it means for society at large.

Contempt Culture

Do you ever get the slightest feeling that civic discourse is going to the dogs and that society will fall apart if we don't learn the art of speaking to one another again?Yeah? Us too.

CNA’S Transgender Bias?

Ellen Page now wants to be recognised as Elliot page. CNA reports the news in a decidedly one-sided way.

Sceptical of "Progressivism"?

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