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Mythbusting Gender Ideology: Sex and Gender are Never Unrelated

Are gender and sex truly separate? Unpack the popular narrative and see why defining gender based on feelings might be misleading. Explore how society’s indulgence in self-identified genders could harm those needing clarity. Understand the crucial connection between gender identity and biological sex, and how a grounded perspective can foster healthier, more realistic views on identity. Ready to challenge the myths?

Duped by Data? The Truth About IPSOS’s Pride Survey

Are you being duped by data? This article delves into the surprising biases and flaws behind the latest LGBTQ sentiment survey. Discover how methodological issues and online sampling skewed the survey results, and why these findings probably don't represent the true opinions of the Singapore public.

LGBT Activists Attack Singapore Pastor Featured by RICE Media

Explores the contentious aftermath of RICE Media's interview with ex-gay Pastor Chang Tou Chen, who candidly discusses his transition from a 'gay lifestyle' to finding fulfilment in Christianity. Facing severe backlash and accusations of promoting conversion therapy, the RICE media's quick removal of the interview clip from social platforms raises questions about free speech and the influence of cancel culture.Dive into the complex interplay of media responsibility and societal reactions.

Big Brother Could Watch Your Money: The CBDC Threat

Think you're disconnected from Crypto and the Blockchain? You might be closer than you think. Here's your beginner-friendly intro to navigating the new digital frontier of Central Bank Digital Currencies. We introduce the core CBDC ideas and highlight the potentially dangerous authoritarian ramifications of CBDCs, particularly in amplifying governmental control and oversight.

“Woke Women”: Making Too Much of the ‘Great Gender Divide’

With recent data showing a widening ideological gap between men and women, CNA tries to take the question much further in a ‘woke’ direction. We evaluate this and object to the way this is performed.

IPS Singapore Perspectives 2024: Welcome, Culture Wars

In a world where culture wars define nations, Singapore's recent debates echo the tumultuous American landscape, challenging traditional norms and redefining family and identity. As this article unveils the striking parallels and the potential for a societal shift, it beckons readers to explore how Singapore might navigate its own path amidst global currents. Will the Lion City redefine itself in the shadow of the American experience, or carve a unique narrative? Dive in to discover.

Gaza Conflict 2023 – Part 1: Arguments For and Against the Israeli Position

On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a severe attack against Israel, coinciding with a Jewish high holiday and resulting in significant Israeli casualties. Israel, citing its right to self-defense, responded with intense airstrikes in Gaza, leading to a high Palestinian death toll and a humanitarian crisis. The article contrasts Israel's view of Hamas as a terrorist group with counterarguments suggesting Israel's actions provoked the attacks. Highlighting the complexity of the conflict, it raises crucial questions about responsibility for the violence and the impact on civilians, setting the stage for further analysis in the ongoing saga of this deep-rooted conflict.

Gaza Conflict 2023 – Part 2: Arguments For and Against the Palestinian Position

In this exploration of the recent Gaza conflict, sparked by a Hamas attack this article examines the Palestinian case of lost rights and lands versus Israel's stance on self-defense and the necessity of its Gaza blockade. With international condemnation of both parties for potential war crimes, this piece compellingly presents the dichotomy of perspectives in this complex, deeply-rooted conflict, setting the stage for further in-depth analysis of the ethical and legal dimensions involved.

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