Regardless Team




Gaza Conflict 2023– Part 3: Examining the Root of Conflict

This article explores key events from Israel's 1948 declaration of independence, which sparked immediate conflict with its Arab neighbors, to the contentious Gaza conflict of 2023. It scrutinizes critical questions of self-defense, self-determination, and international law, examining Israel's right to defend itself and the Palestinians' quest for statehood. The piece also confronts the troubling realities of civilian suffering in Gaza, Israel's stringent blockade, and the blurred lines of asymmetric warfare. As the conflict escalates, this analysis seeks to unravel the tangled web of responsibility and rights, urging a cautious approach in a landscape marred by the "fog of war."

An Exploration of TODAY’s Love for Drag

Drag shows in Singapore aren't new, but one at NTU CCA's 10th Anniversary has stirred controversy, and raised eyebrows over apparent journalistic activism.Dive into this article that goes beyond the headlines to explore the nuances of media reporting, and the role of journalism in shaping public perception.

Problematic Pronouns: How to Respond to Workplace Pressures

Facing pronoun pressures at work? 🤔 Dive into a few practical strategies to navigate this sensitive topic. Whether you're seeking to accommodate the requests of others without compromising your values, or needing to stand firm on your convictions, this article offers insights for everyone.

Problematic Pronouns: Resisting Their Cultural Takeover

Singapore's Preferred Gender Pronoun Movement: A beacon of inclusivity or a master manipulator of language and societal norms?Gender ideologues twist language and leverages societal pressure to champion a disputed, politically-charged ideology. By framing common sense as hate speech and pushing 'inclusive' language, it places a minority's demands for affirmation above basic reality.These tactics control cultural narratives, sidelining opposing views. Engaging in pronoun culture isn't just problematic—it endorses and amplifies its extreme stance, with harm to children's well-being, women's rights, and individual freedoms.

Will Article 156 of the Constitution Protect Singapore?

Singapore's Article 156 aims to protect the definition of marriage from a legal challenge, but can it withstand the global tide of change or will it crumble like a house of cards?Dive into the intricacies of this landmark legislation as we explore whether can withstand the test of time and legal scrutiny.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A Trojan Horse at the Gates of Singapore?

Dive into a comprehensive critique of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, exploring the unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies. This article dissects the fine line between uplifting marginalized groups and inadvertently reinforcing harmful stereotypes. Learn about the potential pitfalls of DEI, the impact on personal identity, and the importance of genuine efforts to assist the disadvantaged.

Your 101 On the Key Social Issues Revisited at IPS’s 35th Anniversary Conference

Looking for a quick primer on some of the most deep-seated social frustrations that Singapore faces as a nation? This is it.

“Regardless of Sexuality” a missed opportunity for clarity.

We watched Regardless of Sexuality with a healthy sense of optimism that CNA would produce a balanced piece that would critically examine the nature of the LGBT Divide in Singapore. Instead, what we found was a piece replete with emotionalism, displaying unabashed bias with key terms and a failure to examine the true drivers of tension with any sincerity.

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