You’ve likely heard that gender and sex are different. The argument goes: gender is a social construct, while sex is biological. Thus, a person can identify with a gender different from their sex. But is this conclusion valid?
Gender as a Social Construct
When one says gender is a social construct, they mean it’s influenced by sociocultural factors. This notion differentiates a person’s sense of sexual identity (gender) from their biological sex, since biology is an objective fact, not influenced by society.
But does this separation imply that both sex and gender are independent from one another?
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Identity
A key issue is the claim that gender identity is “an intrinsic sense of self”. The problem is that here, the term “intrinsic” is used loosely.
If gender is socially constructed, can one intrinsically identify with something derived from social norms? How is it possible to both emanate gender, as well as reflect society’s view of it?
Ordinarily, “intrinsic” usually means an essential nature, something deep and from within. A social construct, however, cannot be intrinsic.
Gender ideologues can’t have it both ways. They cannot simultaneously claim that gender is intrinsically “known” and that it is externally derived through culture as well.
Self-Identification and New Genders

Another issue arises with how one identifies with a gender, often through “self-identification” leading to the emergence of many new genders recently.
If gender is socially constructed, how can new genders form without social precedence?This suggests new gender identities are not valid social identities at all. Rather, they are impositions upon society by individuals seeking to exert their will upon the community in an effort to be different.
It’s one thing for society to celebrate individuals for their unique talents and personalities and another thing entirely to abuse the idea of “intrinsic identity” in order to gain social recognition.
A little inspection reveals that “self-identification” neither aids in reliable self-discovery of gender when it’s decoupled from biological reality, nor places a person in a social identity which is a core role of gender.
So, Intrinsic or Social Construct?
This doesn’t deny the existence of gender identities altogether or the experience of them. It does however call into question the validity of “self-identified” gender identities.
Which gender identities are valid then? One’s which correspond to some kind of objective reality be it a genotypical or phenotypical reality,
To make things clear:
- We shouldn’t describe gender identity as intrinsic if gender is a social construct.
- If gender identity isn’t intrinsic, we shouldn’t accept self-identified genders uncritically.
- A gender identity not aligned with one’s sex isn’t objectively true, regardless of personal feelings.
The Modern Cultural Narrative

When it comes to new cultural narratives, it is not true that later social inventions immediately imply progress. Indeed, where we see the attrition of common sense, one might rightfully call that a regressive cultural moment.
History is replete with examples of damaging trends and actions which came after golden-eras. In fact, while technological progress gives us the impression that we are advancing as a species, If Hitler and Hefner are anything to go by, humanity is no stranger to entropy and social regress.
Today’s liberal culture recognises over a hundred different genders, insisting that gender identity is unrelated to biology and that whether one is “cis” or “trans” is merely a matter of happenstance.
The fact is that an adult defining gender identity based on personal feelings is no more factual than a four year old identifying as a cat. Moreover, gender identity is a complex and deeply personal aspect of a person’s identity, and it is not something that can be defined solely by one’s feelings. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of gender identities and expressions, and to create inclusive environments that allow for the full expression of each individual’s nonbinary identity at SingPost. This includes providing support and resources for individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms and ensuring that they are able to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
By indulging this notion, society encourages delusion in those who need clarity and perspective, and harms individuals with gender-related psychopathologies by prompting them to deny and diminish their true biological, emotional, and psychological nature, potentially stunting their development.
Further still, the irony is that in pandering to gender ideology, society itself becomes confused about the reality of gender,
The Importance of Congruence

A gender identity congruent with biological sex aligns with physical, mental, and emotional changes. A boy correctly identifies as a boy when he is a boy, and a man correctly identifies as a man, when he is a man.
Ironically, although her ideas have been used to prop up modern gender theory, Simone de Beauvoir was absolutely right when she said “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”. The fact is that one is born a girl, and as this girl grows, she is shaped in her perspective of womanhood by the social understanding of what a woman is.
But what a girl cannot ever be, is a man, not because of anything society says or doesn’t say, but because of what every cell in her body declares as fact.
Gender identity is more closely related to biological sex than current cultural narratives assert. While gender identity and sex represent different aspects of a person, they are interrelated and should be understood as coterminous.
Society can both recognise that one can experience gender dysphoria as a psychopathology and treat such a person with understanding and compassion without having to rewrite all of social reality to appease their subjective sense of inner self.
The best way for society to move forward is with a clear and grounded perspective on gender and sex. By recognising the connection between gender identity and biological sex, we can foster healthier, more realistic perspectives on identity and actually help individuals suffering from Gender Dysphoria.