
Non-Binary Nonsense: Too Late for SingPost to Course Correct?

Is the rush to adopt "non-binary" categories in corporate Diversity and Inclusion policies more about virtue signaling than grounded evidence? This thought-provoking article takes a critical look at SingPost's recent D&I changes, suggesting that the drive to conform to such Western-imported ideas could be sowing division rather than unity in the workplace. Don't miss this deep dive into the unintended consequences of 'woke' corporate culture.

Plot Twist! ‘Sex’ and ‘gender’ are now the same again

Once upon a time, sex and gender were the same. Then liberals came along and bifurcated the two. And now, as if definitions were on a merry-go-round, they're back to being the same again. But this time, they're so warped, it'll shock you.

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