
The Elephant in the TFR Room: Female Hypergamy

Are Singapore's highly educated women and low-income men destined to remain single? Dive into the 'marriage squeeze' phenomenon reshaping Singapore's demographic landscape. Discover the unspoken reason why women are choosing careers and personal fulfilment over marriage, and explore potential solutions to balance love and life in Singapore.

“Woke Women”: Making Too Much of the ‘Great Gender Divide’

With recent data showing a widening ideological gap between men and women, CNA tries to take the question much further in a ‘woke’ direction. We evaluate this and object to the way this is performed.

Plot Twist! ‘Sex’ and ‘gender’ are now the same again

Once upon a time, sex and gender were the same. Then liberals came along and bifurcated the two. And now, as if definitions were on a merry-go-round, they're back to being the same again. But this time, they're so warped, it'll shock you.

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