
The Elephant in the TFR Room: Female Hypergamy

Are Singapore's highly educated women and low-income men destined to remain single? Dive into the 'marriage squeeze' phenomenon reshaping Singapore's demographic landscape. Discover the unspoken reason why women are choosing careers and personal fulfilment over marriage, and explore potential solutions to balance love and life in Singapore.

Duped by Data? The Truth About IPSOS’s Pride Survey

Are you being duped by data? This article delves into the surprising biases and flaws behind the latest LGBTQ sentiment survey. Discover how methodological issues and online sampling skewed the survey results, and why these findings probably don't represent the true opinions of the Singapore public.

No Kidding: Why We’re Terrified of Having Children

This article delves deep into the personal and societal fears deterring young Singaporeans from parenthood, from financial burdens to loss of personal freedom. Highlighting powerful stories of overcoming fear with love, it offers a compelling perspective on how embracing parenting could uncover untapped strengths and enrich lives

Wait Long Long to Get Married – No Good Lah

Singaporeans are marrying later in life. It may be hard to imagine that Singapore once struggled with people marrying in their teens. But is it a good thing that men and women are now only marrying at around 30 years of age?

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