Are We Seeing the Rise of Anti-Police Sentiment in Singapore?

"All Cops Are Bastards" is a rallying cry that's seen resurgence during the BLM Riots of 2020. We've also seen it come up in response to Raeesah Khan's allegations of police mismanagement of sexual assault cases, but does it have a place in Singapore?

Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Competing Claims Around Nagaenthran’s Case

In view of the disputes of facts around Nagaenthran's case, Regardless has decided to review the findings of the Singapore courts to clarify a number of important matters pertaining to justice and fair treatment.

How Khan? What now?

When politicians lie, much more than their personal credibility is at stake once the truth is revealed. What are the consequences of Raeesah Khan's tall tales and who's left picking up the pieces once the dust has settled?

Identity Politics, & The Politicisation of Mental Health

"If you don't let me do this, I'll commit suicide". What happens when "mental health" is used to hold you hostage to acquiesce to beliefs you disagree with? Is there a healthier alternative to the compelled affirmation of every new identity and behaviour in a culture where the modern psychological 'self' has been unmoored from biological realities?

What’s The Big Deal With Critical Race Theory (Part 2)

In our second instalment on CRT, Regardless explores nascent 'anti-racist' thought in Singapore and explains why this is corrosive to the country.

What’s The Big Deal With Critical Race Theory? (Part 1)

What are the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory and why are they such a big problem when applied uncritically to racial discourse in Singapore? Regardless explores CRT's foundations and explains why they're worth raising a couple of eyebrows over.

Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy On The Road To Vaccine-Nation

To many, getting vaccinated seems like a no-brainer. Barring a medical exemption, why would one refuse?It turns out that there are many reasons to be worried; some not-so-good and some sensible.Regardless takes a look at this newly-polarising issue, and suggests some practical steps to heal the divide.

Conflicted: A Closer Look at Conversion Therapy

The Singapore Psychological Society recently pronounced on the harms of Conversion Therapy. A closer look at the research raises questions on the evidence its conflicting accounts.

Sceptical of "Progressivism"?

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