Invited Opinion
S377A: Just a sin, not a crime?
We've commonly heard the refrain, "It's a sin, but it shouldn't be a crime".Is that true, though?This opinion piece takes a look at some of the common arguments for repealing S377A to see if they hold water.
Governance & Policy
Sexuality Education: A Contest of Worldviews and Values
Regardless simplifies and charts the value systems behind the two approaches to sexuality education programmes.
Culture & Media
Ever heard of “The Gay Agenda” by Ever Thought Of That?
Ever heard of, "Ever Thought of That?" We learnt a bunch and think it's worth a watch.
“Host Our Same-Sex Wedding”: What the Parkroyal Pickering Hotel Controversy Reveals
Are we beginning to see the beginning of forceful "bake-my-cake" activism even before the repeal of 377a?What does the Parkroyal Pickering incident show us about how the future of LGBT activism in Singapore will impact the freedoms of association, business, and even religious conscience?
The Cost of Decentralised LGBT Activism in Singapore
How will increasingly online LGBT+ activism in Singapore develop over time? Like many other movements, it’s poised to become more decentralised, more extreme and more pervasive. Regardless explores the implications.
The Ipsos Survey on Section 377A
Our Regardless Team previously critiqued the survey on LGBT+ attitudes and Section 377A, conducted by REACH, a department of the Ministry of Communications and Information. This time, we turn our attention to the Ipsos survey.
Governance & Policy
Elective Egg Freezing (Part 2): A Policy Ovary-action?
In Part 2 of our look at egg freezing, we look at whether the upcoming policy shift is at best therapeutic, or at worst, subversive of national efforts to build resilient young families.
Governance & Policy
Elective Egg Freezing (Part 1): Mum’s the Word on Children’s Rights
Elective Egg Freezing seems like an all-round win for women's empowerment. But what are the costs involved and who pays the price when reproduction is medicalised and we begin to play God.In this first of a two-part piece, Regardless explores the pros and cons of the policy shift and examines the cost of the new values landscape on children.