Governance & Policy
AWARE argues that LGBTQ Rights Don’t Impinge on Straight People’s Rights. They’re Wrong.
Ever heard arguments like "your kids won't become gay if my rights are recognised" or, "how does recognising gay marriage affect heterosexual marriage"?Here's why they're misguided and why the unmitigated effects of repealing of 377A will likely bring about sweeping changes.
Governance & Policy
Rumors abound about what is going to happen to 377A, but the real question is "Why?".Regardless spoke to a number of legal experts to consider whether there is really a need to revise the status quo on 377A.
Invited Opinion
S377A doesn’t discriminate against homosexuals. Here’s why.
Over the years, you've probably heard the common refrain, "377A unfairly discriminates against homosexual men".There's just one problem though... It doesn't.
Plot Twist! ‘Sex’ and ‘gender’ are now the same again
Once upon a time, sex and gender were the same. Then liberals came along and bifurcated the two. And now, as if definitions were on a merry-go-round, they're back to being the same again. But this time, they're so warped, it'll shock you.
Invited Opinion
S377A: Just a sin, not a crime?
We've commonly heard the refrain, "It's a sin, but it shouldn't be a crime".Is that true, though?This opinion piece takes a look at some of the common arguments for repealing S377A to see if they hold water.
Governance & Policy
Sexuality Education: A Contest of Worldviews and Values
Regardless simplifies and charts the value systems behind the two approaches to sexuality education programmes.
Culture & Media
Ever heard of “The Gay Agenda” by Ever Thought Of That?
Ever heard of, "Ever Thought of That?" We learnt a bunch and think it's worth a watch.
“Host Our Same-Sex Wedding”: What the Parkroyal Pickering Hotel Controversy Reveals
Are we beginning to see the beginning of forceful "bake-my-cake" activism even before the repeal of 377a?What does the Parkroyal Pickering incident show us about how the future of LGBT activism in Singapore will impact the freedoms of association, business, and even religious conscience?