Governance & Policy
Marriage Mirage in Singapore: False Security for Conservatives?
PM Lawrence Wong once reassured Singaporeans that the definition of marriage wouldn’t change under his watch—but has the tone now shifted? As public sentiment evolves, the PAP signals a hands-off approach, leaving conservatives wondering: Is same-sex marriage in Singapore inevitable? The numbers don’t lie, and history suggests change is coming.
The Elephant in the TFR Room: Female Hypergamy
Are Singapore's highly educated women and low-income men destined to remain single? Dive into the 'marriage squeeze' phenomenon reshaping Singapore's demographic landscape. Discover the unspoken reason why women are choosing careers and personal fulfilment over marriage, and explore potential solutions to balance love and life in Singapore.
Wait Long Long to Get Married – No Good Lah
Singaporeans are marrying later in life. It may be hard to imagine that Singapore once struggled with people marrying in their teens. But is it a good thing that men and women are now only marrying at around 30 years of age?
Governance & Policy
Safeguarding Marriage Against The “Non-Immediate” Challenges To Come
Are you ready for the battle over the definition of marriage and family to begin in Singapore?If marriage isn't adequately safeguarded in the Constitution, we guarantee that you will need to be.
“Host Our Same-Sex Wedding”: What the Parkroyal Pickering Hotel Controversy Reveals
Are we beginning to see the beginning of forceful "bake-my-cake" activism even before the repeal of 377a?What does the Parkroyal Pickering incident show us about how the future of LGBT activism in Singapore will impact the freedoms of association, business, and even religious conscience?
Governance & Policy
Beyond Rhetoric: What’s Unsaid in the No-Fault Divorce Debate
Singapore is exploring the possibility of No Fault Divorce as a compassionate policy option to reduce acrimony in divorce proceedings. We think that sounds nice, but is ultimately a bad idea.
On Civil Unions and Feckless Optimism
Did Pope Francis really endorse civil unions for same-sex couples or was it a misunderstanding?
We say it doesn't matter.