The Cost of Decentralised LGBT Activism in Singapore
How will increasingly online LGBT+ activism in Singapore develop over time? Like many other movements, it’s poised to become more decentralised, more extreme and more pervasive. Regardless explores the implications.
The Ipsos Survey on Section 377A
Our Regardless Team previously critiqued the survey on LGBT+ attitudes and Section 377A, conducted by REACH, a department of the Ministry of Communications and Information. This time, we turn our attention to the Ipsos survey.
Governance & Policy
Surveying the REACH Survey on LGBT+ Attitudes and Section 377A
How did one little survey on Section 377A and the LGBT community cause so much fuss among netizens? Regardless breaks it down play-by-play, from the mysterious origins and curious circulation of the survey, to the ambiguously phrased questions which supported multiple interpretations.
Invited Opinion
Has Conservative Discourse on 377A Run Its Course?
Like many other places, social and moral norms are increasingly contested in Singapore. One site of such contestation is Section 377A. While arguments in favor of repeal have asserted identity and self-fulfillment based on SOGI, arguments in response have focused almost exclusively on the moral and social consequences of repeal, revealing conspicuous gaps in conservative discourse.The challenge and opportunity for conservatives of all creeds is to articulate a proper anthropology and address the deep search for meaning without descending into false utopianism or ideological dogmatism.
Invited Opinion
Shifting Values And The Search For Meaning In Singapore
Singapore's society remains largely conservative on moral values. Yet, there have been significant shifts in recent years, especially in relation to sexuality. These point to a deep and growing desire for identity, intimacy, faithfulness, and a profound search for deeper meaning and purpose. These desires manifest in certain forms of activism over contentious moral issues, which have taken on religious-like zeal and conviction.
Here's how these developments present both a challenge and an opportunity for conservatives of any creed.
Governance & Policy
Conflicted: A Closer Look at Conversion Therapy
The Singapore Psychological Society recently pronounced on the harms of Conversion Therapy. A closer look at the research raises questions on the evidence its conflicting accounts.
Radical Trans Ideology Will Splinter Singapore’s LGBT Community
When adopted unquestioningly, radical transgender activism poses threats to healthy public discourse. The LGBT community risks delegitimisation by more than its philosophical paradoxes.How long will the most strident voices prevail before Singapore realises the emperor has no clothes?
On Civil Unions and Feckless Optimism
Did Pope Francis really endorse civil unions for same-sex couples or was it a misunderstanding?
We say it doesn't matter.