Culture & Media
S377A: Is Article 156 The Best Way Forward?
The Culture Wars in Singapore may have just been accelerated with the repeal of s377a and with Article 156 of the constitution shifting LGBT activists' attention fully toward the public square.Here's how we think this will affect Singapore society in the months and years to come.
Governance & Policy
377A: Policy Solutions for the “Best Way Forward”
There are a multitude of issues beneath 377A that a political package must negotiate, yet no package will satisfy all parties with their demands directly opposing one another. We explore a few options for 377a’s future and examine what’s likely to go down.
Governance & Policy
How Should the Government Move on 377A
Regardless takes a look at three past instances where the government has advanced controversial policy and charts how it may go about the process of repealing 377A.
Governance & Policy
Why is the Government Moving on 377A?
In a previous piece, we examined the legislative environment around 377A to uncover why the status quo was worth disrupting. We came up short. But perhaps there are sociological, political and economic reasons as to why the PAP is looking for the best way forward
Governance & Policy
AWARE argues that LGBTQ Rights Don’t Impinge on Straight People’s Rights. They’re Wrong.
Ever heard arguments like "your kids won't become gay if my rights are recognised" or, "how does recognising gay marriage affect heterosexual marriage"?Here's why they're misguided and why the unmitigated effects of repealing of 377A will likely bring about sweeping changes.
Invited Opinion
S377A doesn’t discriminate against homosexuals. Here’s why.
Over the years, you've probably heard the common refrain, "377A unfairly discriminates against homosexual men".There's just one problem though... It doesn't.
Invited Opinion
S377A: Just a sin, not a crime?
We've commonly heard the refrain, "It's a sin, but it shouldn't be a crime".Is that true, though?This opinion piece takes a look at some of the common arguments for repealing S377A to see if they hold water.
Culture & Media
Ever heard of “The Gay Agenda” by Ever Thought Of That?
Ever heard of, "Ever Thought of That?" We learnt a bunch and think it's worth a watch.