Freedom of Religion

LGBT Activists Attack Singapore Pastor Featured by RICE Media

Explores the contentious aftermath of RICE Media's interview with ex-gay Pastor Chang Tou Chen, who candidly discusses his transition from a 'gay lifestyle' to finding fulfilment in Christianity. Facing severe backlash and accusations of promoting conversion therapy, the RICE media's quick removal of the interview clip from social platforms raises questions about free speech and the influence of cancel culture.Dive into the complex interplay of media responsibility and societal reactions.

“Host Our Same-Sex Wedding”: What the Parkroyal Pickering Hotel Controversy Reveals

Are we beginning to see the beginning of forceful "bake-my-cake" activism even before the repeal of 377a?What does the Parkroyal Pickering incident show us about how the future of LGBT activism in Singapore will impact the freedoms of association, business, and even religious conscience?

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