
Wait Long Long to Get Married – No Good Lah

Singaporeans are marrying later in life. It may be hard to imagine that Singapore once struggled with people marrying in their teens. But is it a good thing that men and women are now only marrying at around 30 years of age?

Made for Families – Can Singapore Do More?

Delve into Singapore's low fertility rate crisis against the backdrop of ambitious pro-natal policies. Explore how global examples, like Nagi's miraculous turnaround in Japan and Hungary's family-centric reforms, unravel pathways for Singapore to rekindle its dwindling birth rates. Discover how societal shifts and enhanced support systems could orchestrate a renaissance in family planning, ensuring a thriving future for the nation.

Beyond Rhetoric: What’s Unsaid in the No-Fault Divorce Debate

Singapore is exploring the possibility of No Fault Divorce as a compassionate policy option to reduce acrimony in divorce proceedings. We think that sounds nice, but is ultimately a bad idea.

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