Safeguarding Marriage Against The “Non-Immediate” Challenges To Come

Are you ready for the battle over the definition of marriage and family to begin in Singapore?If marriage isn't adequately safeguarded in the Constitution, we guarantee that you will need to be.

AWARE argues that LGBTQ Rights Don’t Impinge on Straight People’s Rights. They’re Wrong.

Ever heard arguments like "your kids won't become gay if my rights are recognised" or, "how does recognising gay marriage affect heterosexual marriage"?Here's why they're misguided and why the unmitigated effects of repealing of 377A will likely bring about sweeping changes.


Rumors abound about what is going to happen to 377A, but the real question is "Why?".Regardless spoke to a number of legal experts to consider whether there is really a need to revise the status quo on 377A.

Sexuality Education: A Contest of Worldviews and Values

Regardless simplifies and charts the value systems behind the two approaches to sexuality education programmes.

Elective Egg Freezing (Part 2): A Policy Ovary-action?

In Part 2 of our look at egg freezing, we look at whether the upcoming policy shift is at best therapeutic, or at worst, subversive of national efforts to build resilient young families.

Elective Egg Freezing (Part 1): Mum’s the Word on Children’s Rights

Elective Egg Freezing seems like an all-round win for women's empowerment. But what are the costs involved and who pays the price when reproduction is medicalised and we begin to play God.In this first of a two-part piece, Regardless explores the pros and cons of the policy shift and examines the cost of the new values landscape on children.

Surveying the REACH Survey on LGBT+ Attitudes and Section 377A

How did one little survey on Section 377A and the LGBT community cause so much fuss among netizens? Regardless breaks it down play-by-play, from the mysterious origins and curious circulation of the survey, to the ambiguously phrased questions which supported multiple interpretations.

Beyond Raeesah Khan: Why Politicians Rarely Pay The Price For Their Lies

Lies and half-truths in politics come in all shapes and sizes. The only difference is that most aren't obvious and don't get caught.

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