Regardless Team




Torn over Transgender Therapy for Teens

This week, social media erupted after a student accused MOE of blocking hormone therapy. Regardless takes a look at how the issue made headlines, and what it means for society at large.

Contempt Culture

Do you ever get the slightest feeling that civic discourse is going to the dogs and that society will fall apart if we don't learn the art of speaking to one another again?Yeah? Us too.

CNA’S Transgender Bias?

Ellen Page now wants to be recognised as Elliot page. CNA reports the news in a decidedly one-sided way.

Speaking of Race, and Violence

The Straits Times published a commentary on race, titled “Racial stereotyping may seem harmless but it is a form of violence.”This is dangerous rhetoric. We explain why.

On Civil Unions and Feckless Optimism

Did Pope Francis really endorse civil unions for same-sex couples or was it a misunderstanding? We say it doesn't matter.

Jeremy Fernando and the justice he deserves

Dr Jeremy Fernando, over “inappropriate” behaviour. Two students had complained to the university of sexual harassment and assault. The writing was on the wall, and nobody can really say they didn't see this coming.

No God but Social Justice: A new secular religion

In an age where #woke culture looks more and more religious, perhaps its adherents need to play by the same social rules as religions play by.

National University of S________?

"Hi Dear, welcome home. What did you learn in school today?"

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