Regardless Team




Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy On The Road To Vaccine-Nation

To many, getting vaccinated seems like a no-brainer. Barring a medical exemption, why would one refuse?It turns out that there are many reasons to be worried; some not-so-good and some sensible.Regardless takes a look at this newly-polarising issue, and suggests some practical steps to heal the divide.

Conflicted: A Closer Look at Conversion Therapy

The Singapore Psychological Society recently pronounced on the harms of Conversion Therapy. A closer look at the research raises questions on the evidence its conflicting accounts.

What’s Unsaid About Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Does AWARE have plans to resurrect its failed attempt to push for CSE in schools?Regardless explores how CSE is articulated by the UN to give us a taste of what might be in store for Singapore.

The Core of Singapore’s National Morality: Racial & Religious Harmony

Understanding why racial and religious harmony has found its place as the bedrock for our aspirations as a nation through a brief examination of history and the promises we make ourselves.

Radical Trans Ideology Will Splinter Singapore’s LGBT Community

When adopted unquestioningly, radical transgender activism poses threats to healthy public discourse. The LGBT community risks delegitimisation by more than its philosophical paradoxes.How long will the most strident voices prevail before Singapore realises the emperor has no clothes?

Beyond Rhetoric: What’s Unsaid in the No-Fault Divorce Debate

Singapore is exploring the possibility of No Fault Divorce as a compassionate policy option to reduce acrimony in divorce proceedings. We think that sounds nice, but is ultimately a bad idea.

Singapore, still a colony? A look at “Firstness”, Indigenous people and Rights. (Part Two) has levelled serious accusations at Singapore - That Singapore plunders and profits off its indigenous peoples, and that it is complicit in Palestinian suffering. Many have readily parroted this. But is it true?

Singapore, still a colony? A look at “Firstness”, Indigenous people and Rights. (Part One)

Does Singapore plunder and profit off the indigenous people of the land like the some suggest? Is Singapore likewise complicit in Palestinian suffering? Absurd as they may sound, these arguments are being advanced by a self-described "left" in Singapore. Regardless takes a look.

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