The Future of Reproduction: Synthetic Sperm, Artificial Wombs and More

Biotechnology is advancing faster than our ethics can keep up. From lab-grown babies to artificial wombs, the future of human reproduction is being reshaped in ways that once belonged in science fiction. While these innovations may solve crises like Singapore's demographic decline, they also open Pandora’s box of moral dilemmas—eugenics, commodified genetics, and posthumous reproduction. The question is: How far are we willing to go before we lose control?

Mythbusting Gender Ideology: Sex and Gender are Never Unrelated

Are gender and sex truly separate? Unpack the popular narrative and see why defining gender based on feelings might be misleading. Explore how society’s indulgence in self-identified genders could harm those needing clarity. Understand the crucial connection between gender identity and biological sex, and how a grounded perspective can foster healthier, more realistic views on identity. Ready to challenge the myths?

The Elephant in the TFR Room: Female Hypergamy

Are Singapore's highly educated women and low-income men destined to remain single? Dive into the 'marriage squeeze' phenomenon reshaping Singapore's demographic landscape. Discover the unspoken reason why women are choosing careers and personal fulfilment over marriage, and explore potential solutions to balance love and life in Singapore.

Duped by Data? The Truth About IPSOS’s Pride Survey

Are you being duped by data? This article delves into the surprising biases and flaws behind the latest LGBTQ sentiment survey. Discover how methodological issues and online sampling skewed the survey results, and why these findings probably don't represent the true opinions of the Singapore public.

Is Gender Just A Social Construct?

When Singapore's Science Centre planned a panel on the differences between gender and sex, it seemed like a chance for enlightening discourse. But as the event aligned with Pride Month and featured exclusively LGBT activists, concerns arose about promoting ideology over scientific debate. Are these discussions truly inclusive, or do they risk skewing public understanding? Dive into this controversial episode where ideology meets science and explore the implications for our perception of gender and sex.

The Science Centre Got a Drag Queen, a Queer Prof and a Transgender to School Us on Sex & Gender

When the Singapore Science Centre planned an event on sex and gender featuring only LGBTQ activists and advocates, public backlash was swift. Critics argued the forum would promote gender ideology, while LGBT activists claimed they were perfectly qualified. Regardless digs into the heart of the matter to uncover the truth. However, our research revealed more troubling, unanswered questions. What are the questions that nobody is asking? Read to find out.

LGBT Activists Attack Singapore Pastor Featured by RICE Media

Explores the contentious aftermath of RICE Media's interview with ex-gay Pastor Chang Tou Chen, who candidly discusses his transition from a 'gay lifestyle' to finding fulfilment in Christianity. Facing severe backlash and accusations of promoting conversion therapy, the RICE media's quick removal of the interview clip from social platforms raises questions about free speech and the influence of cancel culture.Dive into the complex interplay of media responsibility and societal reactions.

No Kidding: Why We’re Terrified of Having Children

This article delves deep into the personal and societal fears deterring young Singaporeans from parenthood, from financial burdens to loss of personal freedom. Highlighting powerful stories of overcoming fear with love, it offers a compelling perspective on how embracing parenting could uncover untapped strengths and enrich lives

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